Letters to and from the Lutterworth Press CWS

Letters to and from the Lutterworth Press

NOTE: Titles are cross-referenced the first time they are mentioned, but rarely thereafter. If you cannot open a title, look higher on the same page.

R.T.S. - Lutterworth Press, 4 Bouverie St., London. 11 Jul 40. Re: Sorry, cannot use The Silver Whistle; hope to use something else later.

Lutterworth Press, Doran Court, Reigate-Road, Redhill, Surrey. 30 Aug 45. Re: Can't use Blue Fields, because of theosophy and psychism, but would like to see a "slightly younger story."

--- Ibid. 17 Oct 45. Re: Giving serious consideration to The Silver Whistle; please submit Sunday School reward books with Christian teaching, rather than background.

--- Ibid. 6 Dec 45. Re: Cannot use The Silver Whistle; main situation is too far-fetched. [Yes, it is.]

--- Ibid. 31 Oct 47. Re: We do not commission Sunday School reward books, but we do offer sympathetic consideration of Christian stories.

--- Ibid. 25 Feb 48. Re: Acknowledges receipt of Charity's Chronicle [Redhead at School].

--- Ibid. 17 Mar 48. Re: Can pay £50 for Charity's Chronicle as it stands, or £75 for the same story with the addition of Christian teaching.

To --- , Ibid. 18 Mar 48. Can't add Christian teaching to Charity's Chronicle; offers The Jewel Children and Three Houses in Beverley Road; mentions success of Blue Fields.

--- Ibid., 22 Mar 48. Re: Keeping Charity's Chronicle at £50; still interested in other manuscripts.

--- Ibid. 27 Apr 48. Re: Could use Three Houses in Beverley Road if it were twice as long; returning Jewel Children.

--- Ibid. 10 May 48. Re: After citing examples... if you ever have time, send us a children's biography.

--- Ibid. 18 Aug 48. Re: Received Three Houses in Beverley Road; best lengths are 19,500, 26,500, 34,000, 41,000, or 48,000 words, and 34,000 is "probably the most useful."

--- Ibid. 23 Aug 48. Re: Would like to accept Three Houses in Beverley Road.

--- Ibid. undated. Re: Enclosed check recovered from premises following fire; please send receipt.

--- Ibid. 8 Sep 48. Re: Returning to Bouverie Street address. Drop by and see us.

--- Ibid., 4 Bouverie St., London 21 Jun 49. Re: Delay in publication of Three Houses in Beverley Road, but CHRISTIAN HERALD will publish it as a serial, and we can split their payment. OK?. They need some corrections on pages 86-87 (not up-to-date).

--- Ibid. 28 Jun 48. Re: Corrections should please the CHRISTIAN HERALD editor.

--- Ibid. 19 May 50. Re: Please fill out questionnaire for publicity department.

--- Ibid. 6 Jun 50. Re: Enclosing ISPESCOPE [publicity] and three photographs; sorry, your suggestions were received too late to be used.

--- Ibid. 28 Jun 50. Re: Enclosing two proof sets for Three Houses in Beverley Road; please return one with corrections as soon as possible.

--- Ibid. 18 Sep 50. Re: Charity's Chronicle going into production, but wish permission to change title: suggestions? Would like another book from you.

--- Ibid. 21 Sep 50. Re: Red Head at School or Red Head from the Rectory would do. Mr. Oliver would like a family chronicle story; will look at a novel, but probably will not take it.

Note the dates! Lutterworth wrote on the 18th; presumably Savery received it on the 19th and returned an answer in time for them to send a reply on the 21st. We are not as quick as this with email!

--- Ibid. 26 Sep 50. Re: We will use Red Head at School as the title; may we change it to a third person narrative? Can't use Rainbow Castle with 15-year-old audience, but enjoyed reading it. [Savery did not authorize the change from first to third person!]

--- Ibid. 2 Oct 50. Re: "That's very nice of you. And we'll put in the quotation marks." Work diary casts no light on this letter, quoted in its entirety.

--- Ibid. 14 Mar 51. Re: Criticism of Quicksilver's Quest, very much to the point:

I looked forward to reading Quicksilver's Quest with the greatest interest, for I never doubted I would like it. But alas, I don't, and so I must send it back with great regret. The trouble is, I think, that there are too many people, especially too many children; there really isn't enough for them all to do, and they seem to get in each other's way a little; besides, I couldn't believe in the Trixies, or the Quest -- it all seemed so complicated and roundabout. You will disagree with this very much; but I do feel that a plot, like our great-grandmothers' silk dresses, should stand alone. You write so very well indeed about families and enfants terribles like Nick that it's a great pity I can't like it better, but--

--- Ibid. 7 Jun 51. Re: Looking for Gateway Series books the length of Three Houses in Beverley Road; can you help?

--- Ibid. 12 Sep 51. Re: Enclose proofs of Redhead at School.

--- Ibid. 20 Sep 51. Re: Thanks for letter, proof of Redhead at School; liked Chevenixes, must read Danny and the Alabaster Box.

--- Ibid. 29 Nov 51. Re: Contract offer for Meg and Dandaree [Meg Plays Fair].

--- Ibid. 30 Nov 51. Re: Glad that Meg and Dandaree was accepted, but price in contract isn't what was quoted on 27 Mar 48 and 23 Aug 48; holding manuscript for reply.

Ibid. 3 Dec 51. Re: Had forgotten that we used to pay more for Gateways. Will you accept the lower price?.

--- Ibid. 10 Dec 51. Re: Thank you for signing contract, and glad you liked Redhead at School, still my favorite of this year's books. Can we expect more of Charity and the Chevinixes?

--- Ibid. 28 Feb 52. Re: Looking forward to your new book; 30,000 words is a little on the high side.

--- Ibid. 9 May 52. Re: Received The Monster of Loch Grea; it will be a few days before we can reply.

--- Ibid. 30 May 52. Re: Cannot make offer for The Monster of Loch Grea, since list for children is full for this year. Not your best book; too similar to M.E. Atkinson's The Monster of Widgeon Weir, too many characters, lacks colour. Very sorry!

--- Ibid. 18 Sep 52. Re: Anything for our Gateway Series? Do you write for twelve-and-ups? Thin there.

In October Savery began writing Young Elizabeth Green.

--- Ibid. 6 Oct 52. Re: "Thank you very much indeed -- I look forward to having a manuscript a month from you!"

--- Ibid. 8 Dec 52. Re: Can offer a bonus of 5 guineas apiece for Gateway Series books recived by New Year's Eve!

--- Ibid. 10 Dec 52. Re: Looking forward to receiving three manuscripts. Request an alternative title for Grey in Gold [Five Wonders for Wyn], which Sales Manager will find too abstract.

--- Ibid. 30 Dec 52. Re: Any word of a Junior manuscript? Would like one of yours for first four.

--- Ibid. 1 Jan 53. Re: Sorry to be prodding you about Junior manuscript. Yes, Young Elizabeth Green was received, but hasn't been returned by reader.

--- Ibid. 2 Jan 53. Re: Relax; postponing Juniors.

--- Ibid. 19 Jan 53. Re: Thank you for filling in publicity forms. Enclose two proofs of Meg Plays Fair; will make offer for Young Elizabeth Green.

--- Ibid. 28 Jan 53. Re: Page 67; No change needed; printers ask the oddest questions without justification. Did you receive your contract?

--- Ibid. 5 Feb 53. Re: Thank you for photograph; glad you were so far above the water [?].

--- Ibid. 17 Feb 53. Re: Here is your nice photograph, which I assume we may copy.

--- Ibid. 25 Feb 53. Re: Gold in Grey is one of your very best; like to title it Five Wonders for Wyn.

--- Ibid. 19 May 53. Re: Like Tabby Kitten and, as usual, will want to change the title.

But, for once, they didn't.

--- Ibid. 19 May 54. Re: Have you a carbon copy of either of the Junior Gateways you sent to us; woman in America is interested.

--- Ibid. 6 Aug 54. Re: Would you write our first Gateway for children under six, please, and suggest a price.

--- Ibid. 1 Sep 54. Re: Thank you for The Joy Bells; we will call them Pathways.

The Joy Bells was never published, and the manuscript was discarded or lost.

--- Ibid. 29 Dec 54. Re: Four Lost Lambs is fine, but needs "polishing," whatever that means; make any changes that occur to you. City of Gold is grand.

Work diary entry for December 31st:
Diligently polishing the lambs.

--- Ibid. 2 May 55. Re: Problems with the dust wrapper:

You were quite right about the age of the children on the Five Wonders for Wyn jacket, but this was the last of several tries, and when I asked for the children to be made younger the artist simply shortened their legs until they looked like a couple of Basset hounds. So I had them made as you see them, as the lesser of two evils. I know they are not a success.

--- Ibid. 7 Jun 55. Re: Successor for Four Lost Lambs?

NOTE: No explanation for 15-year gap in correspondence; not with the other letters.

--- Ibid. 30 April 70. Re: Would like you and Miss Chris Savery to each write a Gateway, for girls by you, for boys by her. We'd like them set in the present (history-resisting readers).

--- Ibid. 2 Nov 70. Re: Glad to have the two titles; The Drifting Sands was not expected before Christmas; not adding books to Crown line, unless you want to write about riding.

--- Ibid., Luke House, Farnham Road, Guildford, Surrey 2 Jul 73. Re: Issuing The Sea Queen in paper binding; expect six copies.

--- Ibid. 19 Sep 73. Re: Joseph Wolff is unknown to me; could you jot down some facts about him and how you would approach writing a book for Faith and Fame Series?

A long draft of Savery's reply was handwritten on the reverse side of this letter and is annotated under unpublished biographies.

--- Ibid. 3 Nov 75. Re: Delay over The Sea Queen doesn't matter. Norwegian and Swedish editions are nice outcome of visit from Scandinavian firm; will ask about possibility of submitting books for Spanish and Portugese translations.

--- Ibid., 4 Bouverie St, London. undated, handwritten:

What a surprise! I had forgotten that Lutterworth was your publisher & it was great fun to arrive and see all your books here!

If I come to East Anglia soon, as I hope I shall, I will come and see you. With love, ...

--- Ibid., P.O. Box 60, Cambridge. 10 Jul 95. Re: "How very nice to hear from you after all these years..." Cannot assist with file copies of WOMAN'S MAGAZINE; some of your and your sister's books still in print.

--- Ibid. 11 Jul 95. Re: University file of WOMAN'S MAGAZINE is not complete; suggest inter-library loan; happy to give permission to photocopy.

NOTE: The Lutterworth Press published twenty-seven Savery titles, of which two or three are still in print. In 2006 they authorized a Swiss edition of To the City of Gold in a French translation.